Friday, 30 March 2007

Sophie and Thomas

Congratulations to Sophie and Thomas who were married last weekend at the Grand Mercure Hydro Majestic Hotel, Medlow Bath. The ceremony was held on the beautiful Croquet lawns and boy, talk about amazing timing with their wedding vows. The rain clouds had been hanging around all day but the rain held off just until the minister announced "you may kiss the bride", and then down it came. So well done!

I had so much fun capturing your special day... you guys were hilarious! The images below say it all. Thank you guys. It was an absolute blast!

I must also say a big thank you to the Harry Potter lookalike boys who just happened to be around at the right time. You guys were magic!

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Bug in the system!

Just a quick blog to say that there was a bug in the system over the weekend which affected the contact form on our new website. Consequently all the contact details were missing from the people who filled in the form over the weekend inquiring about wedding photography. If you are one of the couples who filled in the contact form during the weekend of 23rd - 26th March, would you mind resubmitting your details so that we can assist you.

We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused you and we will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Sarah and Chad

Congratulations to Sarah and Chad who were married last weekend. It was a wonderful day at Chapel Hill, Berambing and the weather... well lets just say it was a real mountain day! The mist created a perfect setting for some amazing photo opportunities, as you can see in some of the images below.

Thank you Sarah and Chad for allowing me to be a part of your fantastic day! Looking forwards to getting together with you guys in the near future. Have a great honeymoon!

Sunday, 11 March 2007

Welcome to our Blog!

Hi and welcome to our brand new blog.

This is our very first posting and we are so glad that you have taken a moment to check it out! We hope you enjoy all the latest news. We thought a blog would be a great place to share some of our favourite images of recent weddings and photo shoots. We look forward to sharing them with you.

It also gives us great pleasure to announce that we have finally launched our new website after much planning and designing. WE ARE NOW LIVE! We are sure you will find that it was well worth the wait. Please let us know what you think of it. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. Don't be shy!

Thanks again for visiting.
