Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Kim and Stuart

Kim and Stuart were married last weekend at St Stephens Anglican Church, Penrith. They were so blessed with a beautiful day. It rained the day before and for three days following but not a drop fell on their very special day (apart from that huge waterfall on location!).

After, the ceremony we all headed off to a fun reception at the
Colebee Centre, Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside. What a blast that was and a pretty cool light show for dancing too.

Have a wonderful honeymoon guys and we look forward to seeing you when you get back. In the meantime enjoy a sneak preview of your wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

What beautiful photos! They really are amazing...... nearly as amazing as that 'hot' photographer! Woe Baby!

Anonymous said...

The photos are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing our day with us. We can't wait to see the album.
Thanks again. Stuart & Kim