Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Natalie and Shane

Congratulations to Natalie and Shane who celebrated their special day at Mount Annan Botanic Garden. These amazing gardens are the sensation of the late 18th century in the field of botany which was the discovery of a new continent filled with exotic plants unknown to the rest of the world. Mount Annan Botanic Garden displays over 4000 of these, set in 410 hectares of hills and lakes. You can imagine that it was a stunning setting for Natalie and Shane's wedding.

Thankfully the rain held off too. It rained just as I was leaving the girls getting ready and with an hours drive away from the dark clouds, not one drop fell on the ceremony and for the photos after. We then heard news that it was bucketing with rain back at the reception at Nepean Shores, Penrith but still amazingly it didn't come in our direction. So how good is that!

Thanks guys for a great day. Enjoy some of my favourite images of the day.

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