Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Amanda & Corey

I had the pleasure of photographing a wedding of a bride who actually sang at my wedding many years ago. She sang with a group of students which my wife-to-be was teaching at the time. Boy did that make me feel old seeing her again as a lovely grown-up woman on her own wedding day! It was also wonderful to catch up with some teacher friends from my wife's old school.

It was a glorious sunny winter day for Amanda and Corey's wedding set in one of Australia's oldest and most established suburbs, Kirribilli. For international blog readers!... Kirribilli supports the northern end of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
The suburb contains Kirribilli House (the official Sydney residence of the Prime Minister) and Admiralty House (the official Sydney residence of the Governor General). And just for a bit more trivia, the name Kirribilli is derived from an Aboriginal word Kiarabilli, which means 'good fishing spot'. I don't know if it still is these days!

Anyway back to the wedding, we started at the North Sydney Harbourview Hotel, which as the name derives had wonderful views of Sydney Harbour and you could also see directly above the church where the wedding was going to be. The ceremony was held at Christ Church, Lavender Bay which is a beautiful and very popular church for weddings. We then walked down to Lavender Bay for wonderful location shots by
one of the world's most spectacular harbours. You can't get much better than this as you can see from the images below. It is times like these when you are proud to call Australia home! Then it was off to Brennan Park where the trees in the background were licked by the golden sunset. As dusk fell we were back under the Harbour Bridge for some glorious night shots and for the first time in my wedding photography career I was able to capture the famous Luna Park face at night. That just topped my wish list for photo locations! Thank you guys! I don't normally say this cliche comment but I can't resist... it was awesome!!!

As we finished up at all these wonderful locations we drove back up the road for a very relaxing and stylish reception at Kirribilli Club. It was a great wedding day! Congratulations Amanda and Corey. You are an absolutely delightful couple to photograph. Have a great honeymoon. I look forward to seeing you when you get back.


TG fan said...

stunning pictures!

Peter Karp Photography said...

Thanks for your comment. If you don't mind me asking, who are you?